About Us

Anuradha Singh


Hi, I’m Anurdha Singh and I’m an SNE (Special Needs Educator).
As an SNE, while working with the Differently Abled tiny tots to teenagers, a single question of 'what next?', after parents, recurrently flashing in my mind sparked the idea of building this platform for them.
Today we tell our story not to let the world know our perspective but to transcend ourselves and reach out and act beyond the story to the fullest potential.
After taking a Diploma in Special Education with a specialisation in Autism (DSE-ASD) from Rehabilitation Council of India and being a special needs educator in renowned schools for about 7 years, I  had to do something beyond giving remedial therapies between the four walls.
Perhaps the roots of this attitude go a long way. Thanks to my father who, as a social worker, had provided us with early experiences of service to mankind.
The disabled  population in India is a significant section as it constitutes 2.21% of  our total population according to 2011 census. While government is doing its part to facilitate the lives of this significant section , I feel dutiful as well to do my share.  Here is where we pitch in -
Our aim to provide the possibilities to the special, thereby enabling them to lead an independent and dignified life caused the genesis of "helpmefly"